40.75 Category A credits

Session 1: Patient Care

Patient Interactions and Management

  1. Legal and Ethical Principles
  2. Common terminology (e.g.,* negligence, malpractice)
  3. legal doctrines (e.g., respondeat superior, res ipsa loquitur)
  4. Patient’s rights
  5. Informed consent (written, oral, implied)
  6. Confidentiality (HIPAA)
  7. ARRT Standards of Ethics

Infection Control

  1. Terminology and basic concepts
  2. Types of asepsis
  3. Sterile technique
  4. Pathogens (e.g., fomites, vehicles, vectors)
  5. Hospital acquired infections

Interpersonal Communications

  1. Modes of communication
  2. Verbal, written
  3. Nonverbal (e.g., eye contact, touching)
  4. Challenges in communication
  5. Patient characteristics (e.g., cultural factors, physical or emotional status)
  6. Strategies to improve understanding
  7. Patient education
  8. Explanation of procedure (e.g., risks, benefits)
  9. Communication with patient during procedure
  10. Follow-up instructions
  11. Medical terminology

Patient Assessment, Monitoring and Management

  1. Routine monitoring
  2. Vital signs
  3. Physical signs and symptoms
  4. Sedated patients
  5. Claustrophobic patients
  6. Emergency response
  7. Reactions to contrast
  8. Other allergic reactions (e.g., latex)
  9. Cardiac/respiratory arrest (CPR)
  10. Physical injury, trauma or RF burn
  11. Other medical disorders (e.g., seizures, diabetic reactions)
  12. Life-threatening situations (e.g., quench, projectiles)

Medications used in the MRI suite

  1. Contrast Administration
  2. Type of agent (FDA approved)
  3. Contraindications
  4. Dose calculation
  5. Administration routes


Session 2: Safety


2.Patient education



5.RF fieldsimg_3_14

6.RF antenna effects

7.Specific absorb rate

8.Definite contraindications




12.MRI Contrast


2.Electro magnetic spectrum

3.Comparison CT, Nuclear Medicine MRI

4.Advantages vs. disadvantages of MRI

5.Nuclear spin6.Radio Wavesimg_3_11



9.Diagram of vector

10.Anatomy of the neck and types of fractures

11.Scanning planes

12.Questions and answers

Session 3: Image Production and Physics

– Basic components necessary for MRI to happen

– Hydrogen protons

– Large static magnetic field

– RF signal

1.Magnetic environment


3.Radio frequency

4.MR signal


– T2*

– T2

– T1

– Mz, Mxy

Session 4: Artifacts, Pulse Sequences, Imaging Options


l. cause and appearance and resolution of artifacts

  1. Aliasing
  2. Gibbs, truncation
  3. Chemical shift
  4. Magnetic susceptibility
  5. Radiofrequency, zipper
  6. Motion and flow
  7. Partial volume averaging
  8. Crosstalk
  9. Cross excitation
  10. Moiré pattern
  11. Parallel imaging artifacts
  12. Compensation for artifacts

II. Quality Control

  1. Slice thickness
  2. Spatial resolution
  3. Contrast resolution
  4. Signal to noise
  5. Center frequency
  6. Transmit gain
  7. Geometric accuracy
  8. Equipment handling and inspection (e.g., coils, cables, door seals)

III. Sequence Parameters

  1. Imaging Parameters
  2. TR
  3. TE
  4. TI
  5. Number of signal averages (NSA)
  6. Flip angle (Ernst angle)
  7. FOV
  8. Matrix
  9. Number of slices
  10. Slice thickness and gap
  11. Phase and frequency
  12. Echo train length
  13. Effective TE
  14. Bandwidth (transmit, receive)
  15. Concatenations (number of acquisitions per TR)

IV. Imaging Options

  1. 2D/3D
  2. Slice order (sequential, interleaving)
  3. Spatial saturation pulse
  4. Gradient moment nulling
  5. Suppression techniques (e.g., fat, water)
  6. Physiologic gating and triggering
  7. In-phase/out-of-phase
  8. Rectangular FOV
  9. Anti-aliasing
  10. Parallel imaging
  11. Motion correction imaging technique

Session 5: Anatomy and Medical Terminology

  • Anatomy of the brain
    1. Medical Terminology
    2. CSF Pathways
    3. Cranial nerves
    4. Pathology
  • Musculoskeletal Anatomy
    1. Medical Terminology
    2. Anatomy
  • Body Anatomy
    1. Medical Terminology
    2. Anatomy
  • Vascular Anatomy
    1. Medical Terminology
    2. Anatomy


Session 6: Procedures of the Brain

  1. Imaging of the Brain
  2. MRA imaging of the Brain
  3. Magnetic Resonance Venography of the Brain
  4. Cervical Spine Imaging
  5. Thoracic Spine Imaging
  6. Lumbar Spine Imaging
  7. Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Carotid Arteries


Session 7: Procedures of the Body and Musculoskeletal System

  1. Shoulder Imaging
  2. Elbow Imaging
  3. Breast Imaging
  4. Chest Imaging
  5. Cardiac Imaging
  6. Brachial Plexus Imaging
  7. Abdomen and MRA Imaging
  8. Biliary Imaging (MRCP)
  9. MRV of the Abdomen
  10. MRA of the Renal Arteries
  11. Female Pelvis Imaging
  12. Pelvis and Hip Imaging
  13. MRA of the Lower Extremity
  14. Knee Imaging
  15. Imaging the Wrist, Thumb, Hand
  16. Imaging the Ankle
  17. Imaging the Foot


Session 8:Tests and Discussion

  1. Patient Care-50 questions-30 minutes
    1. Review-discussion of each question-30 minutes
  2. MRI Safety-50 questions-30 minutes
    1. Review-discussion of each question-30 minutes
  3. Imaging procedures-50 questions-30 minutes
    1. Review-discussion of each question-30 minutes
  4. Artifacts-50 questions-30 minutes
    1. Review-discussion of each question-30 minutes

Session 9: Anatomy and Pathology Tests

  1. Written Anatomy and Pathology-2 Hours
  2. Oral Anatomy test from actual MRI images-2 Hours

Session 10: Review of Previous Sessions

  •  This is a review of sessions 1,2 and 3. The class goes a full four hours

Session 11: Review of Previous Sessions

  • This is a review of sessions 4,5, 6 and 7. The class goes a full four hours

Session 12: Total Course Review

  • Session 12 is a total review of all the course work. By the end of session 12, students are very well prepared for every topic on the MRI registry examination